Category:Marimba Method Books

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Marimba is one of the oldest instruments that are still used now to produce music. However, with time there have been a lot of updates and transformations to the instrument since the 16th century. It has been a prominent part of Asian and Western culture. With the changing times, a lot of modifications were made to the old bow marimba, as it was previously used. It slowly gained its significance throughout the world.

Therefore as the prominence of the instrument increased, so did the need to learn and master playing the instrument. At first, it was initially played for lighter music and dancing, namely the stage and comedy plays of Vaudeville. Over time, composers began founding new techniques to play the Marimba and combine it with modern music.

If you are looking for a Marimba book buying guide then rest assured, there are a lot of books that provide perspective, information on changes, and detailed description of the movement of the instrument.

Pages in category "Marimba Method Books"

The following 184 pages are in this category, out of 184 total.